Meeting reviews progress on programmes under DPC-III

14 Mar, 2008

A meeting of the steering committee, convened to review progress on Provincial Reforms Programme launched under development policy credit-III (DPC-III) with the assistance of World Bank was held here on Thursday with NWFP Chief Secretary Sahibzada Riaz Noor in the chair.
The meeting thoroughly reviewed progress of the departments of Education, Health, Social Welfare, Finance, P&D, Excise and Taxation, Board of Revenue, Establishment and Industries Departments viz-a-viz Provincial Reforms Programme and discussed ways and means to remove bottlenecks in the achievement of targets within stipulated time as well as steps/initiatives to be undertaken to expedite the pace of work on various targets set by World Bank.
The chairman directed the concerned administrative secretaries to personally ensure their participation in wrap-up meetings with donor agencies to effectively handle issues concerning the agencies. The meting on the directives of Chief Secretary constituted various committees to expedite pace of work of DPC-III.
Chief Secretary also stressed upon health authorities to expedite work on the establishment of Health Regulatory Authority for regulation of private sector health care institutions/clinics/laboratories etc and directed Finance Department to provide funds for the same on priority basis not only to facilitate/encourage good reputed health institutions in the private sector but also check and monitor substandard institutions/clinics/labs which are playing with the lives of common man.
The chairman also directed for evolving a mechanism to effectively monitor and assess the performance of teachers serving in public sector in order to improve quality of education. The meeting was also briefed about the computerisation of Finance Department, land record and rationalisation of provincial tax structure to make it more investment friendly.
It is worth mentioning here that the terms of reference of the steering committee are to periodically review the progress on DPC triggers/milestones assisted by world bank and to resolve the inter-departmental issues/problems.

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