Islam does not allow bloodshed, suicide bombing at all: Khalid

14 Mar, 2008

A peaceful and tolerant society can not be ensured without enlightened rural cultural values. Our rural culture is rich and deep-rooted with beauties of folk music, poetry, joint family-system and co-harvesting.
This was stated by the Governor Punjab Lieutenant General Khalid Maqbool(Retd) while delivering his inaugural address as a chief guest in 2-day "Punjabi Cultural Show" organised by office of the Senior Tutor UAF on Wednesday night.
He said that due to information technology at the one hand new innovations are taking place but our cultural values are being affected which is causing many social problems like intolerance, terrorism and other disorders.
He expressed his concern over some extremist elements who are forcing tender minds towards extremism on the name of Islam. He added that Islam is peaceful religion, which does not allow bloodshed and suicide bombing at all.
Governor Punjab lauded the research and educational standards of the University and hoped that these sorts of activities may generate unity and brotherhood among the various segments of the society. Professor Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan, Vice Chancellor UAF and Professor Dr Iftikhar Ahmad Khan also spoke on the occasion. Students presented their colourful skits and folk Items in this show.

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