Partly Facetious: blanket immunity for all, a way out

14 Mar, 2008

"There is considerable confusion..."
"I agree but I can't understand why."
"Because new deals are being struck while the old ones are being re-evaluated."
"Is Musharraf still a viable party to make deals with?"
"I believe so and that has surprised me too."
"Why do you say that?"
"The restoration of the judiciary continues to be an issue between Zardari and Nawaz Sharif."
"I do hope Zardari will not make a deal with Musharraf..."
"His wife did."
"Right but now the situation has changed. Even Kayani has said the army will support the elected government and..."
"He can't say that the army won't - I mean he will be in trouble for saying that..."
"That's true and he also said that the army will not distance itself from Musharraf."
"The army may have to distance itself from Musharraf unless Kayani is ready to declare martial law which, incidentally, won't be acceptable to the public at present."
"The army has been discredited because of one man and let's be honest the new man has done wonders for its morale as well as its public image in a short time."
"There is no and I are talking about the army's position because of one fact: the army is a player in our politics and this is in spite of the constitution not allowing the army a role in our politics. I believe the process of weaning the army out of our politics forever will be slow but we should keep it a steady process and hopefully in ten years time no one would be talking of the possibility of martial law or indeed the possibility of a chief of army staff's statements making the first news story of the day."
"Ah yes...but why is Zardari..."
"You think the lawyers will back down if Zardari doesn't restore the judiciary?"
"No and that will be the first test of his government."
"But if the judiciary is hearing cases against Zardari..."
"He needs to give a blanket immunity to all prior to Musharraf's take over in 1999 and let matters take their course."
"Let's see..."
"These are difficult times to rule and a national government envisaged by Zardari must take into account the lawyers and civil society demands about the restoration of the judiciary."

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