On Thursday, BRIndex30 opened at 16,935.30 with an upward gap of 41.95 points. It closed at 16,657.30 with a net negative change of -236.05 points and percentage change of -1.40. It experienced intra-day high of 16,958.47 and intra-day low of 16,626.54.
The volume amounted to 153,790,700, which was 64.71 percent of the total market and 96.07 percent of KSE-100 index. The volume of KSE All Share and KSE-100 were 237,667,160 and 160,088,060 respectively.
BR Tech. & Comm. Index was the second most active sector. It closed at 1,678.31 with a net downward change of -44.1 points and percentage change of -2.56. The volume of this sector was 26,980,700. BR Cement Index closed at 1,734.51 with a net negative change of -2.4 points and percentage change of -0.14. Volume was 22,268,400.
BR Commercial Banks Index was the most active sector. It closed at 5,666.99 with a net negative change of -68.59 points and percentage change of -1.20. The turnover for this sector was 47,818,100. BR Power Generation and Distribution Index closed at 1,590.79 with a downward change of -37.74 points and percentage change of -2.32.
The turnover for this sector was 9,615,000. BR Oil and Gas Index was the third most active sector. It closed at 2,722.16 with a net negative change of -21.75 points and percentage change of -0.79. The volume was 24,659,000.