Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Dost Muhammad Khan Khosa has said that the decision about the future of the local governments would be taken following the audit reports of their accounts. Talking to newsmen before leaving for D. G. Khan he said that the problems of 8 years could not be solved in a day, adding it take some time to clear the mess of years.
Khosa said that if the deposed judges are not reinstated then the PML-N quit government in centre. He assured that the provincial government would provide every facility to the cities of southern Punjab, which every big city possesses. On arrival in D.G. Khan on first ever visit of his home city after becoming CM, Khosa was awarded warm welcome. People showered rose petals on himand chanted slogans in his fevour.
Khosa announced that a medical college will be established in D G Khan. He also announced a special grant Rs 30 million for the project of pure drinking water.