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A good omen for the labour community

01 May, 2008

First May is globally acknowledged and celebrated as "Labour Day" every year, with great joy and enthusiasm, to mark the significance of the historical victory of the Labour Movement. This emerged from the heroic struggle of the industrial workers of Chicago in 1886, for an eight-hour workday.
The main reason for the existence of this movement was that there was a practice of long working hours in the industrial sector of Chicago in those days, without any weekly holiday and additional financial benefits. Besides, there was no proper arrangement of precautionary measures in industrial premises, due to which the accidents were common. Unfortunately, the inhuman act of child labour was never discouraged.
The common status of a worker was just like a slave in the eyes of his employer. This worsening situation compelled factory workers to start a struggle against their employers to acquire their due rights, along with the facility of an eight-hour workday.
According to historical records, some labours were killed on the issue of an eight-hour day in Chicago in 1886, which turned the Labour Movement into a strong drive. Thereafter, a mass meeting of industrial workers was held at Haymarket Square to protest against the inhuman treatment of the police force.
Unfortunately, an unknown person threw a bomb on the police at the end of the peaceful meeting, which killed one police man and injured seventy. Consequently, four persons namely Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolf Fischer and George Engel were hanged on November 11, 1887 on the false charge of the Haymarket bombing, according to the decision of a kangaroo court, which lost the confidence of public opinion in the United States of America.
This situation laid great pressure on the State, due to which it had to accept, and provide, legal support for an eight-hour week and other genuine facilities for the working class. Similarly, a congress of the World Socialist Parties was held in Paris in 1889, which voted to support the United States Labour Movement's demand for an eight-hour day. It proposed May 1, 1890 as a day of demonstration in favour of the eight-hour day.
Since then, the Labour Movement has spread all over the world from the United States of America and the Labour Movement has assumed the shape of an official holiday at international level. The importance of this historic day is highlighted all over the world through speeches, meetings, rallies, banners as well as the presentation of special reports by the electronic and print media.
The Labour Community of Pakistan is celebrating Labour Day today as an official holiday according to the spirit and tradition of international workers. It is a matter of great pleasure for the Labour Community of Pakistan that it is celebrating the Labour Day this year under a proper democratic government, set up in the country after the successful general elections of February 18, 2008. The elected government sent a good sign to the Labour Community through the restoration of Trade Unions in the country and fixing the salary of a worker at Rs 6,000/- per month from the initial level.
This announcement was made by the prominent politician of the country, Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani when he assumed the slot of Prime Minister of Pakistan on March 29, 2008, after securing an unanimous vote of confidence of the parliament. The Labour Community took a sigh of relief at this laudable step of the Prime Minister.
The frequent rise in the use of daily commodities, utility charges and transport fares have affected the labour community, making life a hell, due to its poor salary. This oppressed section of society is eagerly awaiting an improvement in its economic condition through the proper enforcement of this plan of the Prime Minister.
It is a matter of note that there are no restrictions in the constitution of Pakistan for the formation of Trade Unions and their performance in securing justice and humane conditions at work. However, it prohibits all types of slavery, forced labour and child labour etc. Besides, Pakistan has agreed to honour, promote and follow in good faith the core Labour Laws, being a signatory of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
It is an achievement of the present democratic government for realising and recognising the right of unions in the country, which was snatched away from the Labour Community, through the enforcement of IRO 2002. The Labour Community expressed its happiness over the abrogation of this black and anti-labour law and distributed sweetmeats amongst the people. Many active leaders of the prominent Trade Unions of the country congratulated the newly elected Prime Minister, Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on taking this bold step, which, in fact, won the hearts of the Labour Community.
This is a sign of victory of the Trade Unions in the country, which they acquired after a prolonged struggle. The nation has great expectations from the present democratic government that it will carry out the mission of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. It is a matter of great pride that the new government is planning to work in this direction for the betterment of the people of Pakistan. This fact was expressed by Senator Asif Ali Zardari and Co-Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party in a letter of thanks dated April 7, 2008 sent to Mehboob Elahi, General Secretary of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Employees Union (CBA), Karachi.
It is hoped that the decision of the new government will prove a milestone in the formation of a democratic and justice-based society. This freedom also demands that the leaders of Trade Unions perform their role with a sense of responsibility and not use this right for negative purposes, which disrupts the peaceful atmosphere.
According to general information, there are two categories of the Labour Force that are working in different sectors of Pakistan. One of them is unionised and the other non-unionised. The unionised Labour Force has access to collective bargaining for their better wages and conditions of work. On the contrary, the non-unionised Labour Force remains outside the net of Labour Laws and social protection. This fact gives an indication that a majority of non-unionised workers have not the facilities of paid holidays, job security, overtime, medical, pension and provident funds etc.
It is an admitted fact that in the present age of competition, only those nations have reached the destination of progress who have given due importance to their Labour Force. China, Japan, South Korea, USA and the UK, are major examples of this fact. Thus, there is an urgent need to bring the entire Labour Force of the country under the net of labour legislation, so that it can cover equal basic rights for the betterment of the Labour Community.
The concept of Labour Day gives the message of forming mutual cordial relations between an employee and his employer to take care of the genuine rights of each other, under the shade of the prevalent Labour Laws of the country.
It is due to this fact, that they are considered just like two wheels of an economic vehicle, which cannot be run through the cooperation of each other. It is, therefore, imperative for these two classes of society to perform their respective role with honesty, sincerity and loyalty for the economic progress, prosperity and stability of the country.

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