Cultural activities to revive spirit of Islamic art, architecture

20 May, 2008

The Ministry of Culture will hold various cultural activities to mark Lahore as a "Capital of Islamic Culture" for reviving the spirit of Islamic art and architecture by the end of May.
According to the ministry officials, these activities would highlight cultural heritage of Lahore and its importance in Islamic culture while the calendar of events includes celebrations till the end of year with a variety of programmes.
The inaugural ceremony of the events would be complemented by the Islamic calligraphic competition, photographic competition based on the images of Lahore and book exhibition on Lahore and Islam.
The ministry would also issue commemorative stamps and hold seminars on Islamic art and architecture whereas a number of competitions would be held including Qirat and Naat, painting and poster competition based on the theme of Lahore, drama contest, Qawali and sports competitions.
The "Ravi Rhythm" dance and music festival would be held in July while a national seminar on digitising, developing and facilitating access to the sources of Islamic culture would be organised on August 18 by the ministry. The World Tourism Day would also be celebrated in Lahore and a short filming contest would be held depicting history, culture and achievements of Lahore with the title of "Lahore Experience".
The events also include all Pakistan music conference in October, film festival and Sufi music festival, children arts competition with the theme of "Mera Lahore" and puppet show in December. Artisans at work festival would be organised with a display of handicrafts exhibition and regional scientific symposium on the "Role of Language in Developing Islamic Cultural Scientific Heritage" would be held in November.

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