Japan, Saarc members to cooperate on energy crisis

12 Jun, 2008

Japan and Saarc member states have decided to make sincere efforts to promote public awareness on the need for regional energy cooperation, energy conservation and find ways to improve energy efficiency taking the advantage of technical help and assistance from Japan.
It was agreed at the conclusion of two-day Japan-Saarc symposium on energy and connectivity, held at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI) on June 10 and 11 under the joint auspices of Japan and the ISSI.
The symposium was attended by the energy experts and government officials from Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Japan and the Saarc Energy Centre, as well as audiences invited from various sectors in Islamabad.
The participants of the symposium recommend that Japan and Saarc member states should expedite energy cooperation in Saarc region through active participation of Japan and Saarc member states.
They also recommended that the Saarc member states should continue to make use of the technical assistance from bilateral and multilateral sources for capacity building, technology transfer, energy efficiency and specific project formulation.
It was also decided that Saarc member states should mutually share information on their own progress, technical know-how, identify their needs, barriers and possible solutions.
The symposium members also decided that Japan and Saarc should continue dialogue for possible means and co-operate where appropriate to improve regional connectivity in energy sector in the Saarc region through expansion of energy infrastructure, development of both conventional and non-conventional energy resources and technologies.

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