Tube wells of Islamabad's rural areas in state of shambles

13 Jun, 2008

There are a large number of tube wells set up in rural areas of the federal capital, but most of them are in state of shambles, locals said here on Thursday. A total of 60 tube wells were set up in Union Council Suhan but only 20 of them in operational condition are operating, people in the area said.
Areas people said owing to defective tube wells, the areas is facing severe water shortage. There are only 40 water tanks are available in Suhan National Park area to supply water to the population of 8 lakhs people as unidentified people have stolen valuable machines, pipes and bricks.
Locals complained that most of the tube wells become defective due to negligence of concerned authorities in maintaining these. The working tube wells are also in very bad condition. The funds approved for the maintenance of these tube wells were embezzlement by the concerned authorities, they alleged.

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