NWFP chief minister calls for reviewing war on terror policy

13 Jun, 2008

Chief Minister NWFP Ameer Haider Khan Hoti while strongly condemning the brutal air strikes by the US jetfighters in Mohmand Agency urged the federal government that time has come to review the policy on war on terror.
Talking to media-men after a meeting of the provincial working committee of ANP here at Baacha Khan Markaz, the Chief Minister said, the strike was a direct hit on the country's sovereignty and such actions would have vary dangerous repercussions on the region.
"The recent strikes by the coalition forces on our soil, necessitated to bring changes in our policy on war on terror", he explained. He added that "on one hand our co-operation is sought in war on terror while on the other hand our forces and check posts are being targeted by the coalition forces".
The Chief Minister warned that attacks on Pakistan's national integrity would have very serious implications and it is better for the allied forces to avoid targeting borders security check posts in their hot pursuit for militants. Senior NWFP Minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour while condemning the strikes in Mohmand agency held it interference in country's national security. He said the issue would be taken up in the provincial legislature.

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