PIDA implementing communication plan

13 Jun, 2008

Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Authority, (PIDA), is implementing a well-structured 'communication plan' to upgrade the standard of interaction with farming community and other stakeholders of five Area Water Boards, (AWBs), to make the irrigation administration more responsive, efficient and transparent, moreover, to improve performance and capacity building of farmer organisations, (FOs).
Speaking about the communication strategy adopted to make the irrigation and drainage networks sustainable on long-term basis, Media Manager, PIDA, Najam Hussain Najmi said an interactive web-site of PIDA was being launched to contain closer and continuous contacts with farmers and the donor agencies.
Farmers to farmers visit are also arranged by PIDA/AWB for promoting intra- FOs dialogue. The purpose is to make the irrigation administration more responsive, efficient and transparent. Likewise, Social and Environmental Management Unit (SEMU) is also conducting social and environmental impact assessment study for mitigating the canal water pollution. "Formation of intra-net for AWB LCC (E) and its FOs is also in hand."
The sources said communication with FOs, AWBs, development partners and other stakeholders was being gradually diversified and updated through newsletters/quarterly meetings, frequent conferences/ workshops at Irrigation Management Transfer units and area level farmers conventions.

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