Terrorism may not end through war: Qureshi

15 Jun, 2008

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Saturday said fighting war or adopting violent means cannot ensure elimination of terrorism from the region as ground realities should also be taken into consideration for exterminating the menace completely.
Talking to a private television channel, he said US Secretary of State and Nato secretary general had been conveyed the feelings of Pakistan government and people regarding unprovoked attack on Mohmand Agency last day.
Peace and tranquillity in Afghanistan was in the interest of Pakistan and vital for lasting peace in Pakistan, he said adding the country's institutions and people were with the government and co-operating. Regarding his visit to Paris, he said it had proved fruitful and created good opportunity to interact with the foreign ministers of other countries. In Paris he met with nine foreign minister and conveyed Pakistan's point of view to them.

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