Our response to energy crisis

07 Jul, 2008

I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to electricity thefts at marriages and other parties. Despite the hue and cry on energy shortage we, the citizens, are also not fulfilling our responsibilities. We are facing severe power crisis, yet we are not ready to utilise the available electricity judiciously.
We have witnessed many times that for marriages some people use electricity illegally and no one seems to be checking this theft. Local authorities do charge fees for arranging such functions, but turn a blind eye towards electricity theft.
This failure concerns both, the authorities for letting this to happen and the people who do not fulfil their responsibilities. We must know that we are going through a critical phase. We are faced with many difficulties and it looks impossible to come out of this situation easily if we do not understand our own obligations and honour them. The crisis can be overcome by initiating a proper campaign against it and by exposing culprits in the media, this setting a good example.

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