"So while we are trying to grapple with the rising price trend, and need I add the recent upsurge in the price of petrol has really hit me hard, we have some people whose salary is paid for from my tax rupee are playing golf and making merry."
"Who is 'we'?"
"We, the Maulana public."
"Maulana public?"
"Well I couldn't say Joe public, like the Americans do, could I?"
"No but by calling us Maulana you have put us in a category that would only benefit the enemies of Islam and"
"Hey where did this political rhetoric come from?"
"From the bottom of my empty pocket."
"No money hunh so why not say according to kangaal (penniless) public?"
"But shouldn't it be a name if we are to follow the US example?"
"Maybe we shouldn't follow the US example?"
"Have you cleared it with the Coalition High Command?"
"I give in so what is the most common name in this country?"
"Used to be Pervez at one time but I am not sure what parents of newly born children are naming their children these days."
"Yep the Pervez name is out - Pervez Musharraf, Chaudhry Pervez Elahi, Pervez Kayani..."
"True but I would imagine Ahmed or Asif are the most common names these days."
"Then Asif public it is."
"But then the public may get upset because there is nothing common about the most well known Asif these days."
"Oh I give up but who has the temerity to play golf when our hapless Prime Minister is struggling so stupidly with his maiden speech on TV?"
"Two Pervez's and a Salmaan."
"Musharraf and Kayani?"
"Indeed I think Kayani must distance himself from Musharraf."
"Golf partners are not easy to get."
"I propose Asif Zardari."
"Not competent in that area, now if it was a matter of polo..."