"Musharraf's photograph was in the papers."
"In a suit and tie..."
"Non-awami clothing..."
"Many members of our awam also wear trousers and shirts...maybe not the tie though."
"And that distinguishes the elite from the awam."
"I believe the place of residence also helps make the distinction."
"Not to forget where your children were educated and are based."
"Indeed that is true but if that is the case then need I remind you none of AZ's children are in town."
"Right but they are studying abroad so you have to wait till they complete their studies before voicing that thought."
"But if our children can study in local schools..."
"Don't go there. The children of our rich have always gone abroad."
"So going back to Musharraf's photograph he seemed to be looking well."
"That's because his concerns were voiced to Minister of Information and she then directed the state-run news agency APP to cover the man."
"So who was visiting him?"
"Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff for maybe old times sake and Islamabad Stock Exchange members, representing the smallest stock exchange in the country and given that our stock market is in its infancy with a few players able to manipulate the market this visit to our president desperately trying to keep on one hat..."
"You are being facetious aren't you?"
"I suppose but AZ has certainly got a strong wind blowing now and the one hat may be blown away sometime soon."
"But not on its own. AZ will have to flip it away himself in the end."
"That does seem to be the case."