Senate body for an end to ISF brutalities against Kashmiris

16 Aug, 2008

The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas and the Functional Committee on Human Rights in the Senate of Pakistan has adopted a resolution over the loss of precious lives in held Kashmir during recent brutalities by Indian troops.
The resolution, recalling the Senate of Pakistan's resolution of August 5, 2008, noted with concern the loss of precious lives due to the use of brute force by Indian security forces against the civilians in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (1oK).
It noted with deep grief the Shahadat of Shaikh Abdul Aziz, Chairman, J & K People's League, at the hands of Indian forces, and expressed concerns over the alarming situation in the IOK emerging from the continued economic blockade of the Valley and attacks on the Muslims by the extremist elements.
The resolution called for immediate steps to stop state terrorism and prevent the human rights violations in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and reaffirmed Pakistan's political, moral and diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir.
It called for a just settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of the people of Kashmir, and urged the international community, the United Nations Organisation, Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) and the international human rights organisations to persuade India to end the use of brute force against the civilian population of Kashmir. The resolution expressed complete solidarity with Yasin Malik, President of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), who is on hunger strike against Indian brutalities.

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