China will remain committed to the economic reform and openness it adopted three decades ago, President Hu Jintao pledged Tuesday. Hu, in a speech to business groups on the second day of his visit to South Korea, noted that this year is the 30th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's reforms which have brought the communist-ruled nation unprecedented prosperity.
"China's development over the past 30 years was thanks to its policy of reform and openness," Hu told lunch guests through a translator. "Its future development should also be based on reform and openness. The Chinese people will persist in their efforts to push through with reform and openness and to speed up the modernisation of socialism."
Hu cautioned that China "still has to go a long way to achieve modernisation and common prosperity benefiting all its people. We need to continue with strenuous efforts over a long period."
But he said his country is inextricably bound to the rest of the world. "At a time when globalisation is deepening and scientific and technological innovation are speeding up, the connection between the future of China and that of the rest of the world is becoming ever stronger."
China, he said, would "continue following the path of peace and development, carrying out its policy of openness aimed at mutual prosperity, and pursuing peace and co-operation. "The Chinese people, together with the world's people, want to push forward for the building of a world that will prosper in harmony and peace."