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45 exhibitors get US visa for Pakistani Exposition in Houston

15 Sep, 2008

Pakistan Gem and Jewellery Expo to be held in Houston in October made significant progress when 45 exhibitors got visa approval from US Embassy in Islamabad to attend the show. The Expo is being jointly organised by Pakistan Gem & Jewellery Company (PGJDC), Trade Development Authority of Pakistan and Pakistan Chamber of Commerce-USA (PCC-USA).
Chairman of the PCC-USA EXPO Committee, Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi, said that approval of US visa was a significant development to make the event successful. Participation of 45 exhibitors in the event will generate substantial interest among US buyers and merchandisers, he added.
This event will help Pakistan diversify its export base to reduce its reliance on textiles. He also informed the press that CEOs of the leading US jewellery companies including Zale's and Tiffanies will be invited to the one day workshop organised during the EXPO.
This will enable Pakistani exporters to learn about US market's needs and buyers' preferences. President of PCC-USA Muhammad Saeed Sheikh thanked the efforts of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee who played a prominent role in expediting the visa process.

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