Punjab Population Welfare Minister, Neelam Jabbar has said that her department had been providing medicines for general ailments for the last five years and gave medicines worth of Rs180 million to the general people.
Talking to various delegations at her residence, she asked the political and social workers and medical community to educate the common man about the hazardous aspects of communicable and non-communicable diseases and make them aware of preventable measures to protect them from such diseases. The Minister assured that the government would support educational institutions and NGOs to hold awareness campaigns for the people's benefit.
However, she asked the teachers, religious and community leaders as well as mass media to join hands with the government to educate the masses concerning the protective measures against avoidable and preventable diseases. The Minister also announced that Rs110 billion and Rs35 billion would be spent on education and health sectors respectively, whereas, a record amount of Rs160 billion had been reserved for the developmental schemes.