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Currency values in terms of Special Drawing Rights

14 Nov, 2008

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), treasuries' department's currency values in terms of Special Drawing Rights (SDR).

November 13, 2008
Currency units per SDR SDR per Currency unit
Currency 12/11/2008 11/11/2008 10/11/2008 07/11/2008
Euro 0.849984 0.859603 0.86562 0.8583
Japanese Yen 0.00695396 0.00688119 0.00678275 0.00690821
UK Pound Sterling 1.03674 1.05099 1.06015 1.05834
US Dollar 0.678359 0.674357 0.671492 0.67286
Australian Dollar 0.447513 0.453842 0.461248 0.452431
Bahrain Dinar 1.80415 1.7935 1.78588 1.78952
Botswana Pula 0.0829633 0.0844969 0.0856824 0.0847804
Brazilian Real 0.308317 0.316199 0.310804 -
Brunei Dollar 0.450797 0.450653 0.45197 0.450526
Canadian Dollar 0.551736 - 0.562294 0.568534
Chilean Peso 0.00105429 0.00107179 0.001056 0.00106829
Chinese Yuan 0.0993336 0.0987852 0.0983842 0.0985486
Colombian Peso 0.000297364 0.00029561 0.000289768 0.000287222
Czech Koruna 0.0334464 0.033918 0.0342685 0.0341953
Danish Krone 0.114156 0.115494 0.116245 0.115277
Hungarian Forint 0.00314346 0.00320893 0.00323595 0.00326853
Icelandic Krona 0.00496893 0.00502389 0.00521426 0.00518822
Indian Rupee 0.0139036 0.0141701 0.0141904 0.0140884
Indonesian Rupiah 5.88802E-05 0.00006041 6.10447E-05 6.05635E-05
Iranian Rial 6.66561E-05 6.69669E-05 6.66493E-05 -
Israeli New Sheqel 0.175015 0.177649 0.177832 0.176326
Kazakhstani Tenge 0.00565299 0.00562433 0.00560184 0.00561653
Kuwaiti Dinar 2.50594 2.49854 2.48793 2.49762
Libyan Dinar 0.5175 0.5175 0.5175 0.5175
Malaysian Ringgit 0.189011 0.1885 0.189767 0.189378
Mauritian Rupee 0.0211145 0.0209721 0.0209294 0.0208851
Mexican Peso 0.0518326 0.0519167 0.0525219 0.0524067
Nepalese Rupee 0.00882705 0.00888013 0.00879492 0.00881284
New Zealand Dollar 0.388361 0.391464 0.400948 0.39396
Norwegian Krone 0.0967812 0.0983071 0.099622 0.0984174
Rial Omani 1.76426 1.75385 1.7464 1.74996
Pakistani Rupee 0.00842416 0.00836503 0.00827755 0.00829778
Polish Zloty 0.225631 - 0.237008 0.236689
Qatar Riyal 0.186362 0.185263 0.184476 0.184852
Russian Ruble 0.0246942 0.0246657 0.0249034 0.024917
Saudi Arabian Riyal 0.180896 0.179829 0.179065 0.179429
Singapore Dollar 0.450797 0.450653 0.45197 0.450526
Slovak Koruna 0.0283832 0.0285708 0.0281666 0.028325
South African Rand 0.0654155 0.0661783 0.0676566 0.066752
Sri Lanka Rupee - 0.00612993 0.00610632 0.00611886
Swedish Krona 0.0847419 0.0860424 0.0860611 0.0861261
Swiss Franc 0.571779 0.573287 0.572213 0.572549
Thai Baht 0.0194189 0.0192977 0.0191707 0.0192026
Trinidad And Tobago Dollar 0.108286 0.107635 0.106987 0.107685
U.A.E. Dirham 0.184713 0.183623 0.182843 0.183216
Bolivar Fuerte 0.31631 0.314444 0.313108 0.313746

(1) The value of the US dollar in terms of the SDR is the recip rocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quant ities of the first four currencies shown. See SDR Valuation.
The value in terms of the SDR of each of the other currencies shown above is derived from that currency's representative exchange rate against the US dollar as reported by the issuing central bank and the SDR value of the US dollar, except for the Iranian rial and the Libyan dinar, the values of which are officially expressed directly in terms of domestic currency units per SDR. All figures are rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
(2) The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.

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