Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves up by $244 million

19 Dec, 2008

The country's liquid foreign exchange reserves rose by over 244 million dollars during last week. The State Bank of Pakistan statistics show that overall foreign exchange reserves registered an increase of 244.6 million dollars during the week that ended on December 13, 2008.
With current upsurge, the country's foreign exchange reserves have mounted to 9.3396 billion dollars on December 13, as compared to some 9.095 billion dollars a week earlier. The major increase has been witnessed in the reserves held by the central bank, which moved up by 214 million dollars to 6.1299 billion dollars during the last week from 5.9159 billion dollars a week earlier.
Reserves held by banks also showed an increase of 30.6 million dollars during last week as banks' overall reserves reached 3.2097 billion dollars on December 13 as compared to 3.1791 billion dollars on December 6, 2008.

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