Public advised to observe safety measures while using gas heaters

22 Dec, 2008

Health experts warned the people to switch off gas room heaters before going to bed otherwise it may cause death.
Commenting on recent gas related deaths in different parts of the country, Medical Superintendent Jinnah Hospital Dr Zahid Pervaiz while talking to APP here on Sunday advised that public must observe safety measures while using gas room heaters to avoid mishap, which may be fatal.
He said gas poisoning is very complicated and not easy to treat. He said that before going to bed people should ensure that room heaters are properly switched off, and that the gas supply is closed at the source as gas heaters may leak.
Dr.Zahid said that majority of the people, use gas-heaters in almost air tight rooms in winter season, which results in gas poisoning and may lead to death due to absence of adequate fresh oxygen intake that causes acute breathing problems. He stressed that a window or a ventilator must be kept open for adequate intake of oxygen.
Medical Superintendent Services Hospital, Dr. Muhammad Javed told that combustion of natural gas produces carbon monoxide, which is hazardous to life as it destroys red blood cells.

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