Gakkhar plaza tragedy: traders demand compensation

22 Dec, 2008

Traders Action Committee on Sunday demanded compensation to the traders who suffered from heavy loss in the burnt of the Gakkhar plaza, one of the biggest trade centre in Rawalpindi.
They passed resolution in a meeting of the committee chaired by Ajmal Baloch, the Organising Secretary of Traders Action Committee Islamabad, demanding the provision of loans without mark-up to the grieved people.
"Destruction of Plaza is a big tragedy and we make solidarity with the affectees of the gutted plaza", said Ajmal Baloch, adding that traders community have joined hands with the victims of Gakhar Plaza.
Secretary Information of Traders Action Committee Khalid Mehmood Chaudhry said more than 4000 shops have been gutted in a massive fire and as many as 3000 people became unemployed. He demanded that government should compensate the victims shopkeepers and provide loans without mark-up.

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