Nisar criticises government for 'apathetic approach'

23 Dec, 2008

Leader of the opposition in National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Monday rapped the ruling coalition over its " apathetic approach" in addressing the issues of national integrity.
Talking to journalists outside Parliament House, he said the country was passing through a critical phase but the ruling coalition lags behind to unite the nation. Instead of paying its attention to the real challenges faced by the country, the government is trying to safeguard Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar, he added.
"The government has adopted a biased approach and does not want Farah Dogar's case to be taken up before the Parliament," he maintained. How long the rulers will keep on protecting Justice Dogar and even if it succeeds in restraining the Parliament from taking up Farah Dogar's case, then how it could protect from the media, he added.
Chaudhry Nisar said the world is pointing fingers at us because we hastened in launching action against Pakistani organisation without obtaining any evidence from India. In addition, we surrendered before the Indian government on a single phone call, he added. "Instead of Indian government, it was our own government which came up with explanations following incursions by Indian fighter jets," he said.
He said that the rulers should understand the gravity of situation and come up with some solid decisions in larger interests of the country.. Nisar said that Pakistan is pacifist but will not tolerate issues regarding its sovereignty.

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