Shahbaz calls to follow Quaid's golden principles

25 Dec, 2008

Punjab Chief Minister, Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said the best way to pay homage to Father of the Nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is to act upon his golden principles and make practical efforts to safeguard ideological and geographical frontiers of the country.
In his message on the occasion of birth anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Main Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif here on Wednesday said that Quaid-e-Azam infused a spirit of self-confidence in the nation and impressed upon it that the only solution to all its problems is unity, faith and discipline.
He said that the solidarity of the Muslims under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam is unprecedented in the history of mankind. He said that by acting upon the golden principles of Quaid-e-Azam, the Muslim of the sub-continent made rapid progress towards achievement of their objectives and it was due to wisdom and sagacity of the Quaid that an independent homeland was achieved.
He said that we should also draw inspiration from the principles of the Quaid and wage a practical struggle for achieving the aims of the creation of the country. He said that the supreme sacrifices made for the achievement of Pakistan, demand from us that we should rise above personal interests and strive for national development and prosperity.
Meanwhile in a message on Christmas, the Chief Minister has felicitated the Christian community and said that tolerance, forgiveness and accommodation were the essence of the teachings of the Holy Christ and there is a need to act upon His principles. He said that peace and brotherhood could be promoted in the world by following the message of the Holy Christ.
The Chief Minister further said that Muslims hold Holy Christ in deep respect and esteem as it is an article of their faith. He said that Islam and constitution of Pakistan provide complete protection and religious freedom to minorities.
He said that a comprehensive strategy has been adopted to safeguard rights of minorities and to provide them equal opportunities of development and progress. He said that Christians are an important segment of the society and are playing a commendable role in the process of national development and prosperity.

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