Khalilzad calls Benazir Bhutto's death great tragedy

25 Dec, 2008

United States' UN Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, reminding that Shaheed Benazir Bhutto stood for moderation, has called on moderates to present a united front against extremists for the success of democracy in Pakistan. "Her death was a great tragedy because she stood for moderation, for rule of law and democracy for the people of Pakistan, "he said in a tribute to the departed Pakistani leader.
Ambassador Khalilzad, a personal friend of Benazir and her husband President Asif Ali Zardari, last met her in August 2007. "The recent acts of terrorism in Mumbai remind us that many of the challenges she focused on are still prevalent in South Asia and the world," he said.
"In the spirit of what she believed and symbolised, moderates must come together to present a united front against extremists and terror and for success of democracy and moderation." Turkey UN Ambassador Baki Ilkin, also a personal friend of Benazir and President Zardari, called her a 'courageous' leader and said he was confident that the "brotherly people of Pakistan will carry their country forward as dreamt by her."
"It is indeed a tragedy to lose her at the prime of life and political career," Ambassador Baki, who served in Pakistan in the late 80's when she was the prime minister, said. "She shall be sorely missed by us and all her friends. She left behind a great legacy."
He added, "Once you were her friend you would remain friends for ever. She had great loyalty to her friends. Definitely, she was one of the most courageous ladies, we have come across in our lives. She was in love with her country and its people. The long separation from Pakistan had created enormous yearning to go back. She was delighted to return to Pakistan and assume her responsibilities. When we warned her about the security risks, she said that nothing could stop her from touching her people."

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