Benazir Bhutto: her martyrdom is only the beginning

27 Dec, 2008

She is resting in timeless peace with all her aspirations and dreams she idealised in her life. But this is our faith that she is still alive because martyrs don't ever die.
She spent all her life for the achievement of Quaid-e-Azam's vision and the realisation of her great father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's dream of democracy in the country; a country where no one deprived of the bask necessities of life and everyone lives with dignity and honour; where every man gets shelter and protection; where basic health facilities are within every individual's reach.
They had dreams of such a country where every man enjoys an equal right to spend his life as per his own wishes without any fears. They dreamt of such a territory where no one runs after the life of his fellow brothers, where peace and prosperity prevail all around. A year has passed since the departure of our beloved leader Benazir Bhutto, when the evil anti-democratic forces managed to assassinate her for achieving their nefarious designs because these forces are not in favour of a progressive country and they can't see Pakistan standing among the developed countries of the world.
Benazir Bhutto wanted to eliminate these factions from her motherland to bring about real sense of progress and prosperity; and now she is resting in eternal peace. Her endeavours have surely brought fruition for her because she lived her life bravely and embraced martyrdom. God says every single spill of martyr's blood holds significance in His court. Benazir never bowed down before evil forces, it was her mission to eradicate the social ills from this country, to wipe out the cruel and malicious elements, to uproot those factions who breed hatred in the name of religion.
When her father was martyred then the whole nation chose her as their leader, after both of her brothers were also martyred by the same evil elements. She didn't lose her courage, instead these hardships made her stronger and firmer. The young generation of this nation picked her as the saviour, because they knew the integrity of this country only lies with Benazir Bhutto.
They knew that Benazir is Marvi of the modern age whose love for her motherland never slightly diminished whenever she was forcibly exiled. Her love for the country grows with every passing day. Far and away from her beloved country she used to say:
"Sometimes I feel, This pining for Home May not see! My earthly breath And make me still With cold of death Then my men Carry my casket To my Cradle far off there Where my roots Still yearn to shoot And longs to live It stand up there Yes o Yes I will live My life after death Would be here"
"As history's pendulum swung
The desert wind calls
Marvi calls
A timeless call
The desert wind carries
Children: Hear the desert wind
Hear It whisper
Hear it whisper
Have faith, We will win"
This is part of our faith that in the battle between good and evil, good triumphs in the end. Brutal forces always faded away and vanished in the dust of defeat whether it was Osiris, or Yazeed or even Zia-ul-Haq; aft of them were destined for 'Defeat'.
We must all stand against the evil forces; we must not be overshadowed by 'what the difficulties we facing, the defeat could be momentary because this is our deeply rooted faith that it is the righteous forces that survive in the end. Benazir was a great leader who refused to bow down before the establishment when it fried to pressurise her.
She once said, "This Is a sheer contradiction that on one side of the society we have children who don't have basic health facilities, who don't have education, who are deprived of food, while on the other side we have those children who frequently visit McDonalds, Pizza Huts. How we can overlook this social disparity?"
She said, "The rapidly changing world has widened this gulf even further." Our beloved leader, we have given our votes to the leaders whom you have selected, and by the strength of our votes finally a democratic government has been established in the country.
We hope this government would do its best to provide health and education to the needy strata of this country, and those will not retrain accessible only to the elite class of this nation. We, the activists and devotees of your beloved party, pledge that we will put our best efforts for the progress and prosperity of the nation.
We vow that henceforth not a single child in this country will ever be affected with the polio virus, nor will he die of any preventable disease. Every citizen will get potable water at his doorstep. We affirm our commitment today; we will found such a harmonious atmosphere in the country that no one will feel any fear or terror.
We swear that we will drive out the power shortage from this country. We promise to fulfil your dreams. Her grossly underestimated the strength of her convictions, and the single-mindedness of her followers. Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto has left us all an enormous responsibility - the responsibility of Pakistan. She's entrusted us with the future for which she gave her life the tomorrows for which she sacrificed her life.
"My dream," said my leader "lifer my land and my people to cease fighting and allow our children to reach their full potential. Today, as we most poignantly feel your absence, Bibi, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to your cause your ideals. We promise that your unmatched sacrifice will bear fruit. We pledge, dear leader our lives, to your dream!

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