Serious issues

27 Dec, 2008

I want to share my viewpoint, courtesy you newspaper, that our leaders, whether elected or not, do not work for the welfare of the common people. I regret to say that most of them think of their own interests. Our elected leaders should realise how a common man has to survive with the following problems.
Price hike, unemployment, rising crimes, unstable conditions of our stock exchange, lack of hospitals, lack of transport facilities. Please awake up and do something for the welfare of the common people. See the worsening conditio0ns of power supply. KESC management has totally failed to solve the problem of loadshedding. God knows when Pakistan will get rid of loadshedding?
We must follow China, Japan, Korea, Iran, Germany. How they developed and utilised their resources and never depended on any foreign country. Why not Pakistan becomes a strong country? We have all resources and talent, but we always look to foreign countries to solve our problems. When our leaders will become honest and fulfil their promises?

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