Tears, prayers, flowers...

27 Dec, 2008

Tears, flowers, prayers, candles and slogans marked the day as thousands of PPP workers, loyalists, sympathisers and leaders on Friday thronged Liaquat Bagh to pay tributes to their beloved and charismatic leader Shaheed Benazir Bhutto.
Emotional and moving scenes were witnessed as most of the women burst into tears and many went on to observe Matam, by beating their chests while others preferred to pray for their leader who they had lost on December 27 on the hands of terrorists.
Some PPP followers also lit candles on the spot of her assassination, just outside the main gate of Liaqat Bagh, a place where Pakistani people had also lost their first Prime Minister Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan in 1951. Besides the main ceremony, scheduled to be held at her eternal rest place, Gharhi Khuda Bux, the people from twin cities also held 'Quran Khawani' for more than two dozen departed souls who lost their lives in life attempt on Benazir Bhutto. Thousands also laid floral wreaths on the spot.
Meanwhile, around two hundred caravans of PPP loyalists, including Peoples Labour Bureau (PLO), Peoples Youth Organisations (PYO) and Peoples Students Federation (PSF) on Friday left for Larkana to participate in the death anniversary of Benazir.
Member PPP Central Executive Committee, Dr Israr Shah, in charge People's Labour Bureau Chaudhry Manzoor Ahmad, Information Secretary Tariq Chaudhry, Sultan Mehmood Qazi and other led zealous caravans to Larkana to participate in the death anniversary.

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