Politics of extremism

29 Dec, 2008

Pakistan moved its troops away from the Afghan border towards Indian border on Friday amid tensions following the Mumbai attacks. On the other hand Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met with the chiefs of the army, navy and air force to discuss "the prevailing security situation".
Last week Indian fighter jets violated Pakistan air space 'inadvertently', threatening dire consequences if we do not take action against alleged Mumbai attackers.
So, the motive of Mumbai attacks has been achieved. Pakistan and India are once again now in confrontation. This is a matter of concern that after more than 60 years we (Pakistan and India) have not learnt a lesson from the last three wars. Despite knowing how much damage wars inflict, once again war hysteria is being built up by the Indian political leadership and media.
India claims itself to be the biggest democracy but where is the maturity we may ask. Indian politics is the politics of extremism and every time the elections come an Anti-Pakistan campaign is carried out to win votes. This time around the moderate Congress led government used this strategy and it worked for them. So there is a lesson in it for the world that India needs to root out extremism not Pakistan.

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