Zardari urges people to follow true teachings of Islam

30 Dec, 2008

President Asif Ali Zardari has urged the people to pledge that in the new Hijra year they would lead their lives by following true teachings of Islam and fight extremism and terrorism. In a message, the President has conveyed his heartiest felicitations on the start of new Islamic year, 1430 Hijra.
He said, "Let us pledge on this new Hijra year that we will lead our lives by following the true and great teachings of Islam." The new year calendar of Muslim Ummah has been based on the event of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad's (Peace Be Upon Him) Hijrat (migration) from Makkah Moazzama to Madinatul Munawwara.
The event is of special importance in the history of Islam, which gave an opportunity to the Muslims to initiate a new phase in their lives and establish an independent Islamic state.
The President said, Islam does not allow any person or group to force their beliefs and ideology on other people. "We cannot give space to the extremists to compel others to follow their views. We have to fight terrorism, sectarianism and other social evils, both individually and collectively, in accordance with the golden principles of Islam so that the anti-state elements could not deter us from pursuing the path towards success, prosperity and development," he added.
President Zardari prayed may Allah Almighty protect all of us and provide us an opportunity to serve Islam, democracy and humanity while making efforts for the stability, prosperity, mutual love and success of the homeland.
PRIME MINISTER: Mean-while, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani has called upon the Muslim Ummah to display brotherhood, unity and harmony during the month of Muharram. In a message on the arrival of new Islamic year 1430 Hijra, Prime Minister Gilani said all Muslims are brothers and each has religious, social and individual obligations towards each other.
He said Holy Quran has also stressed that the killing of one life is equivalent to the killing of entire humanity. Each human is equal in terms of rights, he added. He urged Muslims to respect each other in this sacred and blessed month, observe Islamic brotherhood and express harmony.
He said the dignity and significance of Muharram ul Haram, the first month of Islamic calendar has historic acceptance, whose greatness has also been mentioned by the Holy Quran. It is one of the four months, which are revered as holy and esteemed by the Holy Quran. Historically, Muharram is important because the calendar year of Muslims commences with a Hijra year.
Also in this month, the ignorant and hostile tribes of Arab forgot their enmities, lived a peaceful life and became the models of peace and harmony in practical sense, the Prime Minister recalled. He said the month is welcomed by the entire Muslim Ummah and particularly the Muslims of Pakistan in view of its sanctity, who hope for prosperity, success, unity and national solidarity for the country.
Muslims pray to Allah Almighty to grant them success and victories in all phases of life, and give them peace of mind and opportunity to work, individually and collectively, for the prosperity of the country. It is an open truth that no society, nation or institution can attain the level of success unless its people undergo mental and intellectual revolution, he said. "We should mould our lives in accordance with Islamic principles so that the new generation learn for their own benefit," he added.
Gilani prayed that may Allah Almighty make this year 1430 Hijra, a year of prosperity and development for us and may Allah Almighty help us all. "Please accept from me heartiest felicitations on the commencement of new Islamic year 1430 Hijra," he added.

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