Take good care of Gwadar Port

30 Dec, 2008

According to a report in this daily the government, which has persistently been pressing for full operationality of Gwadar Port, has not carried out maintenance dredging at the deep-sea port since its construction early 2006 and a sizeable siltation, ranging from 0.6 to 0.7 meter, has reduced draft in the 4.8-kilometer-long navigational channel of the newly constructed port at different points.
This is shocking for every Pakistani that how a national asset is being damaged. While inaugurating for the fourth time on December 20, 2008, Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani said the port must provide jobs to local people or else the mega project is useless and took serious note of dockers being brought from Karachi to unload the first ship a Qatari vessel carrying fertiliser, arriving at the port.
When the government itself is not taking care of the port how come it can provide jobs to the locals? CM Balochistan first need to take care of the precious gem than the matter of jobs for the Balochi people can be solved.

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