Partly Facetious: how our government reacts under pressure from Americans

31 Dec, 2008

"I simply do not understand the why?"
" India has got us cornered and is unlikely to let go till we are even more embarrassed. And yes I do agree that our government is simply aiding and abetting India in this objective. I am referring to all the misstatements by the country's executive including first alleging that the Indian airplanes violating our airspace, was a technical problem and later summoning the India High Commissioner and expressing our reservations."
"I guess one can also add that it has now emerged that Pakistan had requested China to withdraw its technical objection against declaring Jamaat-ud-Da'wa a terrorist group in the UN Security Council in May, well before the Mumbai attacks, and according to the Chinese they withdrew the objection at our government's request."
"That's indicative of how our government reacts under pressure from the Americans."
"I guess and there are just too many misstatements but no that's not what I was referring to."
"You are referring to how thieves made off with all the ammunition ceased during the Lal Masjid operation that was stored at Aabpara police station?"
"No, because I never even understood why the ammunition was stored at Aabpara police station in the first place considering that it was an army operation and the army should have taken it back with them."
"Then what did you mean?"
"I meant I simply do not understand why the government is defending the indefensible, I mean CJ Dogar is about to retire and..."
"He was being considered for an extension. Besides the Jiyalas don't forget their own I hear."
"I guess, but President Zardari, first husband turned party leader and President just doesn't cut it."
"You are being unfair. You were perfectly willing to accept a first lady turned President."
"Who are you talking about?"
"Hillary Clinton."
"Never thought about it like that. I guess you are right."
"Besides there are other first spouses who are wielding power around the world. Look at India, Sri Lankan history, Bangladesh history."
"I guess."

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