Bollywood’s power couple, Anushka Sharma and cricket sensation Virat Kohli has confessed their love time and time again, giving their fans and everyone some serious ‘relationship goals’. Kohli recently shared a selfie with his girlfriend on Instagram that quickly went viral getting more than million likes in less than 12 hours.
Kohli captioned it as, "Much needed break with love."
Virat and Anushka are currently in New York for IIFA awards 2017, the actors were also captured by the paparazzi roaming around the Big Apple shopping in a care free manner.
Virushka raising the temperature at NYC! 😇??
A post shared by Anushka Sharma ( on
This not the first time Kohli has shared a glimpse of his love life on the internet, he previously posted a few post with his lady love. On Valentine’s Day he posted another picture with a dreamy caption: “Every day is a valentine day if you want it to be. You make everyday seem like one for me @anushkasharma”.
A post shared by Virat Kohli (@virat.kohli) on
Anushka has been rumored to be dating Kohli since 2013 after they were paired together in a hair product advertisement, on the work front the actress is currently busy promoting her upcoming Imtiaz Ali’s movie ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’ opposite Shah Rukh Khan.