Bishop Michael calls on Qureshi

03 Jan, 2009

Lord Bishop Michael Nazir Ali called on the Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Friday. They discussed relations between Pakistan and the United Kingdom and the regional situation. The Foreign Minister appreciated the contribution of the Christian community in the fields of education and medicine and lauded the community services rendered by them.
The Foreign Minister said Pakistan is committed to fight against international terrorism and highlighted the losses suffered by the country and the people. Foreign Minister Qureshi and Lord Bishop agreed on the need for promoting interfaith dialogue and respect for religions and religious personalities.
The discussion also touched upon the minorities' rights, blasphemy law, and the issue of death penalty. Lord Bishop appreciated the steps taken by the present government for the welfare and representation of minorities in Pakistan including the appointment of Minorities Affairs Minister.
Lord Michael is the 106th Bishop of Rochester and the first non-white Bishop in the Church of England. He heads the Network for Inter Faith Concerns of the Anglican Communion (NIFCON). He had called on the President on 30 December and on the Prime Minister earlier today.-PR

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