Senate panel condemns Israeli aggression

03 Jan, 2009

Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Friday adopted a resolution condemning the Israeli aggression against Palestinians and urged the Muslim countries to immediately convene OIC summit to discuss recent attacks. The committee, which met here with Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed in the chair, demanded of the UNSC to pass a resolution forcing Israel to immediately stop atrocities against innocent Palestinians.
The resolution called for opening Rafah border between Egypt and Palestine. The committee also suggested the government to send a parliamentary delegation representing all political parties to Palestine with relief goods. Briefing newsmen after the meeting, Mushahid said the meeting strongly condemned recent attacks on innocent Palestinians by Israelis.
He said the committee has passed a unanimous resolution condemning the Israeli aggression and demanding strong and effective response from Muslim Ummah. Mushahid said the committee also endorsed the French proposal for cease-fire and allow humanitarian aid and relief goods to Gaza.
He said the committee also criticised the countries which claim tall about eradicating terrorism but are silent over Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinians. He said the committee also expressed hope that US President-elect Barack Obama would fulfil its pledge that in his first 100 days in office, he will address the Muslim world to bridge the gap between the United States and Muslim world. He also condemned the poor response by Muslim world on Palestine and Kashmir issues especially the recent conflict between Pakistan and India.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Malik Ahmad Khan addressing the meeting said the government has strongly condemned the recent Israeli aggression. He said that Pakistan has always extended full support and co-operation to Palestine cause and settlement of the issue with Alquds as capital of Palestine. He said that he is proceeding to Saudi Arabia to attend the meeting of foreign ministers of OIC, convened to discuss the issue of recent attacks by Israel.
The minister said Pakistan government is fully aware of the situation in Palestine and is in contact with leaders of other countries in this regard. The meeting was attended among others by Senator S M Zafar, Senator Nisar A Memon, Senator Talha Mahmood, Senator Sami-ul-Haq, Senator Gulshan Sayed, Senator Sadia Abbasi and two journalists from Middle East.

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