Partly Facetious: are they at odds with each other?

03 Jan, 2009

"Are the President and the Prime Minister at odds with each other?"
"What a quaint phrase 'at odds'. I don't think that this can possibly be applicable to the current duo."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Gilani will do what President Zardari wants him to do: no more and no less...and for as long as he wants him to do it."
"Well I heard he is not only doing more than what President Zardari wants but he is also doing less than what the President wants him to do."
"In what way is he doing more?"
"Well he wants to head the Ecnec meeting and Zardari wants Shaukat Tarin to head it."
"Tarin is unelected."
"So is everyone else around the President."
"Don't be facetious."
"But Tarin will be made a senator in March so that technicality will be resolved."
"OK so how is Gilani doing more than what the President wants in this instance?"
"He is resisting the move?"
"But has his resistance borne any fruit?"
"So how is he doing more than what the President wants him to do?"
"But he has begun acting up."
"But not successfully yet right?"
"Right. Gilani is certainly doing less than what the President wants him to do."
"Give an example?"
"Well he is resisting appointing his own principal secretary in defiance of a presidential nominee, or so allege some reporters."
"Mischief makers all."
"But there is no principal secretary to the PM these days."
"Maybe the President feels he doesn't need one considering the President's principal secretary is doing all the work."
"Ah yes."

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