Cabinet thinks ministries habitually misrepresenting facts

04 Jan, 2009

The Cabinet has observed that ministries are habitually misrepresenting facts with the objective of seeking ex post facto approvals of agreements signed with other countries without its prior approval under Rule 16 of the Rules of Business, official sources told Business Recorder.
Such sentiments were witnessed in the last Cabinet meeting on a summary titled ratification of the Saarc Development Fund (SDF). The meeting was presided over by Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani. The Cabinet was briefed that with the prior approval of the Prime Minister, SDF Charter had been signed on August 3, 2008, during the 15th Saarc summit held at Colombo.
The heads of Saarc member countries, however, called for early ratification of the Charter so that the fund becomes operational and identified projects under the social window of the SDF could be launched without delay.
The Cabinet was further informed that the fund's initial paid-up capital amounting to one billion SDR will include Pakistan's contribution of SDR 45.00 million. The sources said the Cabinet observed with concern that the ministries were taking the Cabinet lightly in as much as due process of Cabinet's approval of agreements required under Rule 16 of the Rules of Business 1973s not followed.
The Cabinet observed that the annexures to the summary strongly suggest that ample lead-time was available with the Finance Ministry after receipt of intimation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 13, 2008 and comments from other stakeholders.
However, while seeking the Prime Minister's approval under rule 16(2) of the Rules of Business, it was misstated that sufficient time was not available to process the case for Cabinet approval. In response to another observation, it was stated that India had already ratified the fund and had started utilising the facility for projects in health sector.
The ministry clarified that the prevailing state of Pak-India relations did not pose any impediment in Pakistan's efforts to utilise the fund for its social sector projects, especially in education.
In response to the concern that stakeholders in the infrastructure sector were not taken on board, the Finance Ministry explained that agriculture and social mobilisation for income generation were the main focus of the fund. The Cabinet suggested that Article 4 of the fund along thereof would help identify other areas of activity that could be covered under the fund.
The sources said the Cabinet emphasised and agreed that every ministry should exert to get due representation while every available opportunity must be exploited to secure funds and professional/influential jobs wherever available in international organisations. The Cabinet was of the view that the concerned officials and bodies have to make concerted efforts to allow adequate representation of Pakistan in these organisations.

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