Situation in Faisalabad returns to normalcy

05 Jan, 2009

Following days of violent protest demonstrations against unannounced prolonged load shedding, the situation in Faisalabad remained calm on Sunday. However, local Police conducted raids at different places to arrest labour leaders, traders and office-bearers of various bodies affiliated with Anjuman-e-Tajiran.
Police arrested more than 22 persons including two UC nazims and four members of Anjuman-e-Tajran iron and timber Market Sheikhpura Road, who were nominated in the FIRs for ransacking Fesco offices and United Bank etc. According to Police, the overall situation in the District remained peaceful and no untoward incident was reported so far.
However, some shopkeepers and traders took out a protest rally on Samundri-Rajana roads against unscheduled shutdown of electricity and gas. Addressing the protestors Malik Aktar, Nawaz Awan, Mirza Inayat and Mirza Shahid Ali said that prolonged power cuts have left thousands of labourers jobless. After the rally some four protestors were arrested by Samundri Police.

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