Citizenship, identity of Ajmal Qasab being examined: Rehman

06 Jan, 2009

Advisor to Prime Minister for Interior Rehman Malik has said that a letter has been received from Ajmal Qasab, arrested by Indians in Mumbai attacks. He said citizenship and identity of Ajmal Qasab was being minutely examined. Talking to media at the Passing Out Parade of Pakistan Rangers Sindh on Monday morning, the Advisor said that after confirming the citizenship of Ajmal Qasab a decision to provide him a lawyer or otherwise would be taken.
The Interior Advisor pointed out that Pakistan was a sovereign country and would not take on any pressure from any quarter, adding the government would not take a step without the support from people. To a question, he said the arrest of SNF Chief Mumtaz Bhutto was a provincial matter, however, whether it was Rehman Malik or Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, everyone had to go by law, he added. Replying a question, Rehman Malik said that in order to maintain peace during Muharram-ul-Haram in Karachi, security has been further beefed up.
However, he said, that army could be called out if the need arose during Muharram-ul-Haram. In order to meet the menace of terrorism, he informed that related laws are being made more stringent.
Regarding exchange of criminals' custody, the Advisor said that such issues are governed by international conventions. These conventions are in vogue and any step would be taken under relevant international regulations. He reiterated that Pakistan could not be pressurised and the country would take decisions under its own laws of the land. He declared that no one would be allowed to use Pakistani soil for terrorism.

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