Working group to plan 7th Wage Award implementation

07 Jan, 2009

The tripartite meeting on 7th Wage Board Award, comprising representatives of journalists and publishers, Tuesday held here at the Ministry of Information with Minister of Information and Broadcasting Sherry Rehman in the chair.
A working group consisting of representatives of All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS), working journalists, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Ministry of Labour was formed to work out suggestions for implementation of the Wage Board Award and submit its report to the Minister by February 10, for further consideration.
The first tripartite meeting to discuss issues facing the newspaper industry was held in a cordial atmosphere. The Minister for Information and Broadcasting, while elaborating the need for a healthy media, said that the Government was committed to the welfare of the Journalist community and would take all necessary steps for the promotion of a free and vibrant media in the country, besides promotion of newspaper industry. It was agreed that the next working level meeting would be held on January 19, in Karachi to continue discussion on the issues raised during the meeting on Tuesday.

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