Sitara Limited assigned AA-, A1 ratings with 'stable' outlook

07 Jan, 2009

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited (JCR-VIS) has assigned an initial medium to long-term entity rating of 'AA-' (Double A Minus) and short term rating of 'A1' (A One) to Sitara Chemical Industries Limited (Sitara) with 'Stable' outlook. The rating incorporates Sitara's strong franchise value and its position as a market leader in the domestic caustic soda industry.
Amidst difficult economic conditions and rising energy crisis, the company maintained consistent growth in sales. Moreover, enhanced efficiency in terms of energy cost translated into better margins and improved profitability indicators. Sitara's strong internal cash generating capacity is sufficient for timely servicing of its debt obligations. Going forward, steady stream of revenues is expected from an established client base, which will continue to provide support to operations.
Proposed BMR in the coming year should enable Sitara to further enhance its operating capacity. Planned capital expenditure may put some stress on operational cash flows unless growth momentum is maintained.-PR

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