Irrigation department directed to ensure supply of water

07 Jan, 2009

The Provincial Minister for Inter-Provincial Co-ordination Makhdoom Jamil Zaman has directed the officers of Irrigation department to ensure supply of irrigation water up to the tail-end otherwise be ready for action against them. Makhdoom Jamil Zaman directed this while inspecting the Fatehpur distry from its Zero to 58 RD and Saeedabad Regulator of Hala Branch today.
The Provincial Minister Makhdoom Jamil Zaman directed the officers concerned to ensure proper de-silting of distributaries and proper protection of trees, planted on the embankments of the canals, distributaries for efficient supply of water and strengthening the embankments. He also directed them to lodge F.I.R. against the persons involved in water stealing or chopping the trees of embankments failing which they would be held responsible for these thefts. He directed them to conduct investigation and identify the elements who were taking illegal and undue share of water by tampering modules of their water courses or by suction through machines.
Responding the complaints of growers, the Provincial Minister directed the officers concerned for de-silting of Fatehpur district on priority basis. The growers of the area during the visit of Provincial Minister, complained about shortage of irrigation water, no de-silting and activities of the water thefts with the facility of concerned officers. The Provincial Minister Makhdoom Jamil Zaman assured them that their problems would be resolved on priority basis.

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