India's terrorist activities

07 Jan, 2009

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday blamed that the Mumbai attacks had the support of "some official agencies" in Pakistan and accused Islamabad of using terrorism as an "instrument of state policy" and said Pakistan had in the past also "encouraged and given sanctuary" to militants hostile to India.
India continues to blame Pakistan for its internal policy failures, because it needs a scapegoat for its human rights violation in Occupied Kashmir. It needs a way out to deny Kashmiris their right of self-determination, which the United Nations had assured in 1948.
In its resolution, UN, instructed India about the plebiscite that The Government of India should undertake to ensure that the Government of the state invite the major political groups to designate responsible representatives to share equitably and fully in the conduct of the administration at the ministerial level, while the plebiscite is being prepared and carried out.
The Government of India should undertake that there will be established in Jammu and Kashmir a Plebiscite Administration to hold a plebiscite as soon as possible on the question of the accession of the State to India or Pakistan. The Government of India should undertake that there will be delegated by the state to the Plebiscite Administration such powers as the latter considers necessary for holding a fair and impartial plebiscite, including for that purpose only the direction and supervision of the state forces and police.
But till today India has not yet taken any step to implement the resolution. Instead it is using force to suppress the freedom movement. So, it is India which is using terrorism as an "instrument of state policy" and using its army and other official agencies against innocent Kashmiris, denying them their freedom. I don't understand why Pakistan is not taking up this issue with the international community? India should be declared a terrorist state.

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