ACCA, Smeda hold workshop on bookkeeping in Gwadar

07 Jan, 2009

Association of Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) and Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (Smeda) jointly organised a workshop on bookkeeping in Gwadar on January 3.
The workshop, conducted by ACCA member Amin Ali, aimed at enabling the entrepreneurs understand the fundamentals of accounting and bookkeeping thus facilitating small business owners to maintain relevant and reliable records that would help in internal and external decision-making as well as improved access to finance.
The workshop leader provided practical guidance to small business owner managers for maintaining cash books, records of inventory, debtors and creditors, maintaining productive working relationship with banks, preparing records of financial position and performance of business.
ACCA Pakistan Head Arif Masud Mirza, commenting on the holding of workshop, stated: "As small businesses in Pakistan face a number of micro and macro national and global economic challenges, the key to survival of small businesses is maintaining liquidity thus ensuring that cash is being managed effectively and efficiently.-PR

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