Special squads to raid flourmills

07 Jan, 2009

Punjab Food Department has constituted three special squads headed by the Deputy Director Food Muhammad Hussein Khokhar to make surprise raids on the flourmills and inspect quality of the commodity and taking action in case any sample is found sub-standard.
Decision to this effect was taken at a departmental meeting here on Tuesday, which was presided over by the Director Food Waseem Mukhtar. Director food had received complaints about grinding of substandard wheat. Grinding of wheat with more moisture not only increases the weight of the flour but also make it sub-standard. The department taking the notice of these complaints have decided to constitute special checking squad to ensure supply of quality flour on controlled rates to the masses.
Director Food, on complaint that flourmills of Lahore could not provide flour in the required quantity due to loadshedding, directed the flourmills of Sheikhupura and Kasur to provide flour in the Lahore market. Sheikhupura flourmills would provide 35,000 bags of 20 kilograms each daily to Lahore while mills in Kasur would provide 6,000 bags of 20 kg on daily basis.

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