Senate's 50th session summoned on January 23

11 Jan, 2009

The President has summoned the 50th session of Senate, here on Friday (January 23) at 10pm. The Session has been summoned by the President, in exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) of Article (54) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. This will be the 50th Session of the Senate.
The session would be an important one in the sense that the two major opposition parties PML-N and PML-Q are going to table an Amendment Bill to undo the 17th Amendment in a bid to shift the discretionary powers from President to Prime Minister, for which the two major political parties have agreed to support in principle despite their internal differences.
Senator Salim Saifullah of PML-Q had already tabled an Amendment Bill in Senate. PML-Q on Saturday at a meeting decided to support the Bill from the party platform. For the purpose, Senator Salim Saifullah had already met PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif for getting his party support for the Amendment.
On the other hand, PML-N Legal Committee has also completed its homework to table the Amendment Bill in the National Assembly to undo what it termed the anti-democratic Amendment made by the former President Pervez Musharraf with the help of its architected party PML-Q with support of the then religious alliance MMA.

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