Need for public-private cooperation to overcome health issues

11 Jan, 2009

Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Health Mehreen Bhutto urged the need for public and private co-operation to overcome the health issues not only affecting the lives of the people but also country's economy. She said this while addressing a symposium on the subject Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) in Angina and Congestive heart failure (CHF), organised by Shifa International Hospital (SIH) and Macter International, here on Saturday.
The minister said that by the introduction of EECP by the SIH is a ray of hope to the cardiac patients who have such complexities that may not allow them for stinting or bypass.
A large number of prominent consultants, cardiologists including Professor Shahbaz A Qureshi, Professor Iqbal Saifullah Khan, Colonel Dr Qaiser Khan, Dr Najeeb Basir from Aga Khan Hospital Karachi, post-graduate trainees from different institutes, Head of marketing Macter International, Qasim Sheikh, Dr Faisal Zia in-charge EECP and heart patients along with their relatives were also present on the occasion.
Mehreen Bhutto, said that in Pakistan treatment is expensive. Government is doing all possible efforts to overcome the issue. But even then it is not sufficient for the sufferings of the people. "I on behalf of the government assure all the possible support in this regard", she added.
"In most cases the patients of Angina and CHF were left on their own. Every member of his or her family feels helpless. Now with the introduction of EECP created a new path which can give relaxation to a lot of families", she said.
She further maintained that "I will suggest at this point that curing the disease is one thing but public awareness about the diseases is more important. As we all know if people have correct information about the disease and the precautions it will help them in taking the right step at right time" said Mehreen Bhutto. Speaking on the occasion Consultant Cardiologist Dr Naveed Akhtar said that the patients suffering from this disabling disease, despite optimal medical therapy remains symptomatic.
Dr Waqas Ahmed consultant cardiologist emphasised on EECP treatment selection criteria and its benefits in angina and heart failure patients. He also shared the experience of EECP at SIH. At the end Chief Cardiology, SIH, Dr Habibur Rahman in his brief speech summarised criteria for referral of patients with disabling symptoms, not suitable for coronary revascularization.

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