Human rights activists stage rally against Israel in Multan

11 Jan, 2009

Activists (males and females) of Human Rights Foundation on Saturday staged a demonstration in front of Multan Press Club to condemn the Israeli aggression against the Palestine. They strongly condemned Israeli attack on Gaza killing more than 850 Palestinians and said innocent Muslims were being slaughtered all over the world only because of the cowardice of Muslim rulers.
"Israel and United States are champions of terrorists in the world and if the international community does not halt the Zionist atrocities against Muslims then the Non-jews like Christians, Hindus, Sikhs will also become target of Israeli terrorism."
Participants were shouting slogans," stop genocide of Palestinians," stop aggression," Down with America, Down with Israel," Dishonest UNO and Security Council," They were carrying placards and banners in favour of Palestinians and against Israel and USA.

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