Rush for Windows 7 downloads overwhelms Microsoft servers

12 Jan, 2009

Microsoft's mighty servers were overwhelmed on Friday as computer users world-wide rushed to download a free test version of a Windows 7 operating system being groomed to succeed Vista.
The window for downloading the test-version of Windows 7 closes the last day of January, Microsoft said. The software giant wants feedback from users to refine the new operating system, but doesn't plan to change or add features.
Analyst Michael Cherry of private firm Directions On Microsoft says he is impressed with the way the software giant "kept its enthusiasm under control."
Microsoft improved the Vista operating system while making sure it is "backward compatible," essentially that it will work with older software. Vista was such an advance over Windows XP that it clashed with software people already used and previous generation computers. Microsoft has been secretive about when a finished version of Windows 7 will be ready. Windows 7 will streamline everyday tasks, cut boot-up times, extend battery life and make it simple to weave "smart" devices into home networks, according to Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer.
Windows 7 also lets users customise a "ribbon" panel at the base of a computer screen with icons for programs and files they want to quickly access. A ghost preview of what is in the application or file appears as cursors move across ribbon icons, and "jump lists" pop up offering links to exact spots people want to reach in computers or on the Internet.
"The concept is to give people single click access to applications they use most often and two-click access to files," Ybarra said while demonstrating Windows 7 in a CES meeting room. "You don't have to launch a browser and navigate to a website. You can just click on an icon."
Dragging a cursor to a bottom corner of a desktop makes all open windows transparent so computer users can easily get to what they want underneath without having to close or minimise screens. A Home Group feature simplifies networking home computers, so family members using different machines in a house can share things like printers and music or video files.
Device Stage in Windows 7 automatically fetches and presents support and set-up information for mobile telephones, MP3 players, digital cameras or other gadgets plugged into computers. Windows 7 is designed to let computer makers build touch-screen capabilities into machines as controls evolve beyond the traditional mouse and keyboard.
Speech features in Vista 7 adapt to the needs of visually-impaired users by letting computers "read" aloud items scrolled over on desktops and even be operated with voice commands, according to Ybarra. The Windows 7 beta is available in English, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and German.

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